We are an online media engaged in the transport Bromo, we are a provider of Jeep service (4WD) in Bromo, mostly Toyota hardtop type. Jeep Bromo will provide an affordable price for those of you who make reservations directly from us. We will also provide discount for those who order Jeep Bromo in large scale. Jeep in Bromo provide the best solution for Bromo holiday, either start from Probolinggo, Malang, Pasuruan, SIdoarjo or from Surabaya.


Jeep vehicle (4WD) is needed during tour tour of Mount Bromo. Where the terrain that passes during exploring all the attractions around the tourist area of Bromo is heavy for other types of vehicles. Roads and routes on Mount Bromo are notorious for steep and many sharp turns, so it takes a jeep (4WD) to get across all terrain.
Mount Bromo Tour

Mount Bromo is one of the third most beautiful mountains in the world, this active volcano becomes an interesting object of visitors either local or foreign tourists. One of the things that many people want to recreation on the mountain bromo than to witness the crater of bromo is to witness the beauty of the rising sun. There are some interesting spots in Bromo that can be used as a place for view point to see the beautiful sunrise:
Mount Bromo, Mentigen Peak, Peak Penanjakan 2 (Seruni Point) and Mount Penanjakan 1 (View Point 1), Kingkong hill and Bukit Cinta (near Penanjakan 1)

From the best spot to enjoy the sunrise Bromo precisely at Puncak Penanjakan 1, because the location is the highest. From here in addition to watching the beautiful sunrise, can see also the expanse of cloud covering the mountain area of ​​Bromo that looks beautiful and amazing. After sunrise other attractions are visited is the crater of Mount Bromo, located in the sea of ​​Sand (lautanpasir), which there are about 250 steps to reach the peak.


At the foot of Mount Bromo there is also a temple for Hinduism which is used by Tenggerese (Tribe indigenous people of Mount Bromo), as a place of prayer and performing annual celebration called Kasodo Ceremony (Yadya Kasada Celebration).
On the eastern side of Mount Bromo there is a beautiful whisper of sand (passirberbisik), south of Bromo Mountain you can see the beauty of Savana (grassland) that spread green and wide. For those who like climbing or trekking and camping tours can visit the lake Ranu Regulo, Ranu Pane, Ranu Kumbolo or even you can trekking to Mount Semeru / Mahameru.


To explore all the interesting places around Mount Bromo desperately need a jeep (4WD). Where the distance between the location of the location is far enough and the sandy sea terrain is slippery. In addition to using a Jeep vehicle you can use the Trail motor if you like the adventure of exploring the sea of ​​Sand Bromo.

Rent Jeep(4WD) price to Bromo Sunrise

Here's a list of jeep rental prices in Bromo according to pick up start;
– From hotel/villa/homestay at surrounding Bromo/Probolinggo (Cemoro Lawang/Ngadisari/Sukapura);
– From Hotel/homestay at Tumpang, Malang city and Batu city;
– From hotel/homestay at Tosari/Wonokitri Pasuruan or direct pick-up from Sidoarjo / Surabaya

  • Rent Jeep (4WD) price from Malang city to Mount Bromo (Malang – Bromo)
1. Penanjakan 1 (Sunrise) – Bromo crater + whispering sands (Pasir Berbisik) and Savana: Rp. 1.450.000

  • Rent Jeep (4WD) price from Pasuruan (Wonokitri area)
1. Start from Tosari: Penanjakan 1(sunrise) – Bromo crater : Rp. 550.000
2. Start from Tosari: Penanjakan 1(Sunrise) – Bromo crater +whispering sands (Pasir Berbisik) and Savana: Rp. 750.000
3. Start from Tosari:  Ranu Pane village: Rp. 1.450.000

  • Rent Jeep (4WD) price from Sukapura Probolinggo
1. Penanjakan 1 (Sunrise) – Bromo crater: Rp. 550.000
2. Penanjakan 1 (Sunrise) – Bromo crater +whispering sands (Pasir Berbisik) and Savana: Rp.750.000

  • Jasa Sewa Jeep Bromo dari Cemoro Lawang/Ngadisari/Probolinggo
1. Penanjakan 1 (Sunrise) – Bromo crater: Rp. 500.000
2. Penanjakan 1 (Sunrise) – Bromo crater +whispering sands (Pasir Berbisik) and Savana: Rp. 650.000

  • Rent Jeep (4WD) price Pick up from Tumpang, Malang
1. Penanjakan 3/Mentigen (Sunrise) – Bromo crater: Rp. 1.000.000
2. Penanjakan 1 (Sunrise) – Bromo crater + whispering sands (pasir berbisik) dan Savana: Rp. 1.300.000

  • Rent of Bromo jeep to Semeru (Desa Ranu Pane)
Pick up from Tumpang, Malang
1. Malang – Ranupane: Rp. 1.200.000
2. Malang – Ranupane: Rp.1.800.000 (shuttle/two way)

  • Rent Jeep (4WD) price Pick up from Probolinggo area (Cemara Lawang/Ngadisari/Bromo Area)
1. Bromo – Ranupane village: Rp. 750.000
2. Sukapura – Ranupane village: Rp.850.000

For long holidays and national holidays there is an increase in prices.